144 Points of Light Earth
Energy Healing (EEH) Network EEH
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Welcome to the Earth Energy Healing (EEH) Website
(Launched June 16, 2005; updated July, 2021 and January, 2025)
When we heal ourselves we heal Mother Earth.
When we heal Mother Earth we heal ourselves.Note from Russell, January 20, 2024: See the Archive for the six EEH Newsletters sent out since the last update. In February, 2023 I sent out a penultimate Newsletter indicating that I would be *laying down* my Earth Energy healing work as expressed through this website and the EEH network. The final EEH Newsletter will be going out soon (accessible via the Archive link above after it goes out). Archive copies of the website will continue to be available on the Wayback Machine (link provided in the final Newsletter) and the website will remain up until web hosting expires on April 23, 2025.
Note from Russell, July 12, 2021: After a two+ year hiatus, Spirit has cleared the way forupdating this website. EEH Newsletter #99 (A Pause in Forward Movement: On Healing, Holding the Frequency, and Engagement, February 23, 2021) provides context for the website's current focus, which is supporting humanity collectively, through Earth energy work, to reach a place where forward movement in Mother Earth and humanity's collective journey can resume. Earlier EEH activities that feel especially relevant at this time include:
- Holding the Frequency: Supporting the Human Heart Grid through the Waters of the Earth EEH Newsletter #97 (April 10, 2020)
- Encoding the mid-oceanic ridges with love: see last section of EEH Newsletter #75 and FB posts on Encoding Gaia's Magnetic Grid (FB link 1 and FB link 2 and Mid-Oceanic Ridge Encoding.
Linking the Crystalline and Human Heart Grids (see list below of earlier linkages; more to be shared soon)Here you will find a variety of ways to get involved in activities focused on assisting Mother Earth and all living Beings make the dimensional shift that is underway (for other perspectives on the dimensional shift please check out the Preparing Ourselves for the Great Shift website).
The Earth Energy Healing Network includes more than 300 individuals in 40+ countries who work individually and together energetically to help with Mother Earth's healing. Members of the network receive the EEH Newsletter via email (past newsletters can be found in the Newsletter Archives). If you would like to join, please fill out the form below (Please double-check to make sure your email address is entered correctly before submitting, and click on the link provided in the request for confirmation email you receive--you will not receive the newsletter unless you respond to the confirmation email).
The EEH Facebook page is the best location to find up-to-date postings on activities of the Projects of the EEH Network include (see also the EEH Facebook page for recent activities):
Index of major areas of work by the EEH Network over the last 15+ years
Being Love and Sending Love as Practices in Earth Healing:
EEH Newsletter #86
(September, 2017).
Toning Circles for Mother Earth: EEH Newsletter
#88 (December 20, 2017)
Linking the Crystalline and Human Heart Grids EEH Newsletter #92 (March 5, 2019):
(1): Xinjiang Uighar Autonomous Region (EEH Newsletter #91 September 2018)
(2):Washington, DC and Wall Street (EEH Newsletter #91 September 2018)
(3) Myanmar (FB October 2018)
(4) U.S. Mid-Term Elections (FB November 2018)
(5): Yemen and Sudan (FB, February, 2019)
Anchoring and Linking New Earth Grids:
Healing the Waters of the Earth
Geophysical Stabilization and Healing Damaged Grids
Donations to help cover the cost of maintaining the Earth Energy Healing website are welcomed.
Note: If anyone knows the source of the image at the top of this page I would like to know so I can give proper credit to the person who created it.