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Healing the Waters of the Earth
New February, 2015, updated December, 2016This page honors and identifies people, events and projects related to healing the waters of the Earth.
Regular Global Water Healing Events:
Jane Reading's New Moon Water Meditation Newsletter focuses on a different water of body each month (last time I checked the most recent archived Newsletter was August, 2014; click on the link at the bottom of her Watersongs website to sign up to receive monthly mailings).
Global Water Healing Meditation first Friday of each month 9:00 am PST/12:00 noon EST, by phone, facilitated by Mary J. Getten and 12 others on a rotating basis. Recordings of previous meditations are available. [New May 2016]
Watersongline Community (Facebook) and Website. Global water blessings ( in 2015 they were held on equinoxes and full moons) organized by Water Mothers Council. [New May 2016].
Whale, Dolphin, Bird & Mother Earth Global Mediation is organized monthly by the Whale, Dolphin & Earth Healing Team on Facebook. A 35-minute audio guided meditation for these events can be downloaded from this site: http://www.chargedwater.com/global-meditation/
Healing the Oceans of the World Meditation at 8:00 pm local time on Spring and Autumn Equinox. Venue : Beach, lake, river, stream or Sacred Site closest to you. Organized by David J Adams in Australia, the first Meditation was held in March 1991 on Moana Beach in South Australia. See, also his report on activations in the Earth's crystalline Grid
Golden Water Dolphin Meditation for Global Healing every spring and fall equinox at 8 pm local time.
World Water Day has been observed every March 22 since 1993. Each years has a different theme and many organizations support this observance. More information can be found at the UN Water Day website.
World Oceans Day June 8, 2016, organized by the Ocean Project. See also their Facebook page.
Water Healing Meditations and Projects
Bless the Water, organized by Unify.org and Uplift.com. [New May 2016]
Honor the Waters (Facebook) and Website. [New May 2016]
Loving Waters (Facebook) and Website Monthly Water Blessings Full Moon Connection call. Website coming [New December 2016]
Ocean Rituals Around the World (Facebook). [New May 2016]
Water Walkers United (Facebook). [New May 2016]
Jane Reading's Water Transformations website includes a number of Guided Meditations for healing the waters of the Earth, including one for Fukushima.
Patricia Cota Robles November 20, 2014 Newsletter titled Healing Waters gives remarkable update on activities for water healing on Earth since 1993, including the creation of a Sacred Blend of Healing Waters from 166 healing springs and sacred sites around the world. Vials of the Sacred Healing Water have been distributed at no cost to hundreds of thousands of people.
Hathor Fukushima Sound Healing Meditation through Tom Kenyon.
Antera and Omaran based at Mt Shasta have a River Blessing Project.
Water Wheel Ceremony Project (www.waterwheelceremony.com), founded by Paiute Elder Marshall Jack and Camilla Blossom founded in 2010 includes a growing community of Water Wheel Keepers.
The inspiring work of the late Dr. Masuru Emoto on the interactions between human consciousness and water through photographing water crystals remains pivotal. The Healing Waters article by Patricia Cota Robles mentioned above gives more information about his work and passing.
Environmental Organizations that Work to Heal and Protect the Waters of the Earth
Since 1985 International Rivers has been at the heart of the global struggle to protect rivers and the rights of communities that depend on them. [New May 2016]
Waterkeeper Alliance serves as an umbrella for over 270 Waterkeeper Organizations protecting rivers, lakes and coastal waterways on 6 continents. [New May 2016]