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Earth Energy Healing Newsletters

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Newsletter Index

Please note that for some quirky reason I need to post Newsletter 53 Addendum through 57 as a separate file. You can find the most recent Newsletter #58 and the Arcyhives of Nesletters #1 through #53 at this link: EEHNewsletters1to53and58.htm

Earth Energy Healing Newsletter #57
September 10, 2012

Dear Earth Healers,

The opening of my last Newsletter still feels like it applies from what I've been feeling and hearing from lot's of friends:

If you've felt like you've been on an energetic roller coaster lately, you are not alone. And if you're experiencing smooth sailing, that's great--thank you for holding the base frequency for the rest of us.

After the last Newsletter I did hear from one EEH member who has been experiencing smooth sailing, which made my day when I heard it.

Upper Mantle/Pangaean Grid Project. Last month, almost a year to the day after the Earth Healing Ceremony on Marrowstone focused on easing geophysical and other stresses in the Pacific Northwest I received this message from EEH member Whitney, who lives on Marrowstone Island:

Phew what a year! Amazing miracles all around. I just wanted to share a quick note with you. Last week I have been reconnecting to the earth healing ceremony on Marrowstone that took place. Really feeling the call to awareness again. Now. Helping ease the adjustment. I felt a guidance today to share this reconnecting and the window that is now open for easing the buildup.

Upon hearing this a number of minerals stepped forward to form an array in support of easing geophysical stresses in the Pacific Northwest, and I invite any EEH member who feels called to send healing energy to the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate in particular:

EEH member Alison in Newfoundland has recently brought to may attention how strongly Dragon energy is involved in the geophysical shifts that are taking place as part of the dimensional shift the Mother Earth and humanity are undergoing. What is really interesting to me is that the Juan de Fuca Plate, the only location on the Pacific Rim of Fire to not have a major earthquake in the last 50 years is a remnant of the Farallon Plate which began subducting under North America at the time Pangaea began to break up. It was a magical moment when Alison pointed out to me the amazing resemblance of image of the remnants of the Farallon Plate deep within the Upper Mantle to a dragon:

When I first sensed an energetic connection between the Pacific Northwest and Newfoundland, my rational mind was not able to see one. Above is an image from mainstream geology with the easternmost arm of the remnants of the Farallon Plate in the Upper Mantle touching Newfoundland. It's not the sort of thing that will change paradigms in mainstream geology, but for me it's a sweet confirmation that wherever this work is going, it's on the right track.

The picture of the Mineral Array above shows seven Peridotite Seed Stones in a Cedarwood bowl. All of these except for two, which are going to Texas next month (more details below) have been sent around the world for seeding. A total of seventeen have been sent out so far (Australia, Canada, Costa Rica, France, South Africa, United Kingdom (for England and Scotland) and the United States (Idaho, Kansas, North Carolina, Pennsylvania,and Vermont) and I'd like to thank everyone who has responded affirmatively to this way of supporting Mother Earth. I continue to feel my way with this project. At this stage it feels important for most of the Seed Stones to be placed at or near locations where Upper Mantle rock is at the surface. I have found that the research to identify such locations and provide information to those who have volunteered to place stones to be quite time consuming, and to those who have received stones, but not the detailed information to find the location, I would appreciate your patience. You will receive it. I would also encourage those who have received stones to not worry about when they are placed. When the time is right, it will happen. My sense is that by setting the intention to place the stone(s) in the future, there is an immediate benefit now.

A few days ago a new batch of Peridotite Seed Stones arrived from Newfoundland (thank you Alison!). They are now in the intersection of the Pangaean Grid Array, which was pictured in EEH Newsletter #56 and the Pacific Northwest Grid (pictured above):

If any of the new Perdotite Seed Stones call to you, please let me know (jrb-eeh@bluemarble.net).

In the meantime, the Texas EEH gathering in October is shaping up, and as a silver lining to the passing over of a dear friend, as I am writing I have just realized that there is an opportunity for an EEH gathering in New England to place a Peridotite Seed Stone in Vermont and possibly other areas, if others feel drawn to this. With the rapidly shifting planetary energies making firm plans is not an easy task. Here is the best information I can offer now for two EEH gatherings to place Peridotite Seed Stones. If you feel drawn to either of these, please let me know and the rest can be handled by email communication.

Periditote Seeding in New England. I will be attending a memorial service for a dear, lifelong friend in the Boston area on the Equinox, Saturday September 22. I have already made plans to meet in with EEH member Polly on Sunday morning, September 23 to place a Peridotite Seed Stone in southern Vermont. Our plan was to meet in Brattleboro and go to East Dover where there is an outcrop of Peridotite along the road. I have also identified some candidate sites in western Massachusetts. If others in the area would like to participate it feels like a wonderful opportunity for some EEH members to meet face-to-face and work together.

Earth Healing Gathering and Peridotite Seeding in Texas. On Friday, October 5 there will be an Earth Healing Gathering at Gritman Oils in Friendswood Texas starting at about 5 pm. EEH Member Meg Shehad will be the host and her daughter Amy will be providing a healthy home-cooked meal. We will initially gather around a campfire, a sweat lodge is a distinct possibility, and making joyful noises on behalf of Mother Earth a certainty. Those who would like to go the Llano Uplift the next day Saturday for Peridotite Seeding are welcome to spend the night so we can get an early start in the morning. A van that can carry up to eight will be available for the group from the Houston area to drive to the Llano Uplift west of Austin. In preliminary email communications with some Texas EEH members I suggested meeting at Enchanted Rock for a noon picnic lunch. I have learned from EEH member Celeste in the Austin area that on the weekend the line of cars visiting Enchanted Rock can extend a 1/4-mile down the road. Right now I'm inclined to meet at Willow City which isn't far from the Coal Creek Serpentinite, and close enough Enchanted Rock that we could still go there. There is an old school there that is on the National Register of Historic Places, and I am trusting there would be a place we could eat a picnic lunch there around noon. A second Peridotite Seeding at Pilot Knob Volcano near McKinney Falls State Park south of Austin is a possibility as well. So far there are nine possible participants in one or more of these activities. Anyone else who may be able to join us, please let me know.

Completion of Phase I of 144 Elemental Points of Light Grid. On the Equinox, September 22, a profound time of energetic balance on Earth, there will be a grand activation of nine POLs to bring the total number to 144 (1+4+4 = 9, the number of completion). It's been an interesting process compiling the list of these POLs. A few days ago it came to me that POL#144 should be located in Antarctica, the only continent where POLs have not been activated. Filling in POLs #136 to #143 was pretty much a matter of adding locations in the order in which I have received them since 2010. The nine POLs to be activated on the Equinox have been added to the POL page (http://www.earthenergyhealing.org/EEH144.htm#POL136--if the link doesn't take you to POL#137, please scroll down to the bottom of the page). I'll be in the Boston area on the Equinox, but at 1:44 pm EDT, I'll be tuning in to Windgather Glade here in Indiana to join those who have nominated these POLs (nominators will be hearing more from me soon). I also invite anyone in the EEH Network who has participated in this project or feels drawn to it to tune to all 144 POLs and send thanks to all the Elementals who have joined this joint project between the Humans and the Elemental Realms. I've often wondered what would it would feel like when the number of POLs reached 144. We'll find out soon. In the meantime, I have been receiving indications as where the project might go after the Equinox. Stay tuned.

Blessings, Love and Light,


Earth Energy Healing Newsletter #56
August 1, 2012

Dear Earth Healers,

If you've felt like you've been on an energetic roller coaster lately, you are not alone. And if you're experiencing smooth sailing, that's great--thank you for holding the base frequency for the rest of us.

Upper Mantle Project Update. Peridotite Seed Stones have been mailed or soon will be mailed for seeding in Canada (Quebec), Costa Rica, southwest Scotland, France (Brittany and Pyranees), South Africa, and in the United States to North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Vermont. Thanks to all who have volunteered so far! I have identified several possible sites in Texas west of Austin, and am hoping this fall to place a Seed Stone in conjunction with a visit to our oldest son who have just recently moved to San Antonio. Anyone in that area of Texas who would be interested in participating (I've heard from one so far), please let me know and I'll keep you posted.

After the June Solstice the Peridotite Stones that circled the Pangaean Grid Array moved to a Cedar Bowl in preparation for being sent out::

Do these Stones call to anyone else? When someone volunteers, I have great fun researching the geologic and ecological literature to identify possible specific locations, and I will provide information on how to get there and suggestions for the seeding process. My identification of possible sites is ongoing. Here are some locations I've identified so far:

Elemental Point of Light Project Update. POL#135 was activated in March, 2011, and since then I have often wondered when the first stage of this project would come to completion with nine remaining POLs to reach the magic, but not necessarily final, number of 144. Spirit seems to finally be moving this project forward, and what I'm sensing now is that nine will be activated in an interconnected way at the time of the Fall Equinox (September 22). I have been collecting nominations for a while now, and we still seem to be a few short. I'll be getting in touch with those of you who have made nominations soon (if you have made a nomination and haven't heard from me within a week, please send me an email to give me a jog. In the meantime, the floor is open for a few additional nominations.

Blessings, Love and Light,
