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New Developments
(August, 2005, Revised November 2005)

Note: This Page is no longer updated, go to Home Page and click on "What's New"

Workshops (August 2005)
Earth Energy Healing Network (November 2005)


Group Earth energy healing session at Friends Lake Community, Chelsea, Michigan, September 11,2005


In July 2005 I gave my first workshop working with the energies of the Great Shift at Earthlands in Petersham, MA. Nine wonderful people joined me in emotional energy, cross-incarnational and earth energy healing. Below is a description of the format I have developed for a one-day workshop that integrates my Great Shift and energy healing work. To see a list of past and pending workshops see www.preparingforthegreatshift.org/Newsletter.htm. If you are interested in organizing a workshop in your area Contact Me.

Working with the Energies of the Great Shift for Personal and Planetary Healing

A One-Day Workshop led by Russell Boulding

Scientist and energy healer Russell Boulding invites you to join him for a day of working with cosmic, planetary and personal energies to support humanity's and Mother Earth's dimensional shift, while at the same time engaging in personal healing. Russell's distinctive energy healing methods, developed entirely with higher dimensional support, combine shamanic movement and toning to create a powerful multidimensional energetic experience. Activities during the day will include:

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